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Insertion Order for Display Advertising

Business Information

Start Date & Duration

Please select the issue month you would like you ad to start and the number of months you would like it to run.

I want my ads to start in:

And run for: (# of issues, 3 min)

Community Selection

Please select the neighborhood where you would like to advertise.

Parker Communities

Parker Communities

Centennial Communities

Centennial Communities

Aurora Communities

Aurora Communities

Castle Rock Communities

Castle Rock Communities

Erie Communities

Erie Communities

Ad Specifications

Ad Size

Ad Size

Ad Type

Ad Type

Ad Copy Of Newsletters

Please indicate the email address you would like a copy of the newsletter(s) that you advertise in to sent.

Email My Copy To:

Ad Information

Please email logos, artwork and any relevant information to [email protected]

Ad copy instructions / information to include in your ad:

• All advertising insertion orders must be submitted by 5pm on the deadline.
• If you plan to change your ad on a monthly basis, all new copy must be emailed by 5pm on the deadline for that issue. Or if you need changes to an existing ad, please email me by the 15th of the preceding month.
• If your new ad or ad update is not submitted by the deadline, the last ad on file will be used instead.
• Ad rates and discounts are subject to change and are only valid for 30 days from initial inquiry or for the duration of your advertising contract. Please confirm rates if it has been longer than 30 days.

Payment Information

Payment Method

Payment Method

Terms & Conditions

Advertising design created by Porchlink Media LLC is for use in our publications unless an agreement is reached by the client and Porchlink Media. Client authorizes this signed contract to be valid approval for advertising placed and responsibility of fees associated with advertising.
Cancellation policy: To cancel prepaid advertising email [email protected] by the 15th of the preceding month. Refunds are subject to a 20% of total prepayment cancelation fee and any discount applied are voided.
Minimum Commitment: Advertisements for events, political campaigns and some other exceptions do not have to meet minimum commitment requirements.

All advertising submissions are subject to final approval and confirmation by Porchlink Media, LLC before being considered complete and accepted.
By typing your name, you agree to the Terms & Conditions of this Contract


Electronic Signature
